Logo Safe Area
with Tagline

The safe area around the perimeter of the logo and tagline shall be equal to or greater than the distance between the logomark and the logotype.


How to Use the Tagline

When "Strong. Stable. Here." is treated as a formal part of the logo (as shown) it will always be represented as three words capitalized and separated by vertical rules. Always use provided files.

When used in body copy, each word will be followed by a period as shown in the example on the right.

logo with tagline safe areaRum il et occatiumquae volorep rempor apedit voloriassum and fuga. Epudaerat eos atque derro bea volut quod quidendici ulpa aspis si que consequi con ra ped quiati si totam, aliam sen perit quam rerumquos atis et quias solorio. Itaturi atinctusam retem sequam imin cone voluptates et mo comnitas ellti Iliciment odi odis non con parcipsume voluptatio elestis sundio. Sae. Imolenis autem. Et asi tem expel eveli en danihit auda corrorem alit esto vellict iumquae si optur, quodipsam ipis as debit, od quis que conetus ressunt rem videstin pra voloreiurdanto et dion necesto tataqui remporuntis dolu an ptibus sit voluptatum volrumdignam quatet landunt fugaquod quidra ped. Strong. Stable. Here.